Tagged: skylake nuc

Sleeker NUC6i3SYK 1

Skylake i3 now for $219

I guess Amazon’s selling out their stock of Skylake i3 NUCs. The more compact i3 model NUC6i3SYK is now being sold for $219.99. Note that this model does not have a 2.5″ drive slot,...


Discounts on Skylake NUCs

Now that the Kaby Lake NUCs are out, some good deals can be had when shopping for the previous generation. Amazon is offering the i3 Skylake NUC for $235 and the i5 for $300....

Sleeker NUC6i3SYK 0

Skylake i3 NUC for $219 (GONE)

A quick heads up for those looking forward to buying a Skylake i3 NUC: Amazon.com has the Skylake i3 NUC for $219. Note that it’s currently out of stock, but they’re getting more on...


Skylake i3/i5 NUC BIOS Version 44 to Unlock NVME SSDs

Intel has released BIOS version 0044 for Skylake i3 and i5 NUCs. There are many changes mentioned in the release notes, but this seemingly innocent change is something many have been waiting for: Changed...


Skylake i3 and i5 NUC WHEA Errors

During the last couple of months there has been an unsettling amount of reports that Skylake NUCs have stopped working properly. Intel even pulled one BIOS update, the BIOS version 33 is not available...


BIOS Version 0039 for Skylake NUCs

Intel has released BIOS version 39 for the slightly troubled Skylake NUCs. Quiet a significant amount of changes according to the release notes. As usual, recommended update method is: Copy the SY0039.BIO file to...


Intel Releases Skylake NUC BIOS Version 36

Quite a few people faced issues with the BIOS version 33 on their Skylake NUCs. Eventually version 33 was even pulled from Intel’s download center. There were reports of NUCs even frying themselves after...